Very valid remarks. I don't know any other motorbike that looks that good and have such huge cargo spaces as X9 with both the underseat one and the top-box. That's one of the reasons why I bought it. But ...
1) I don't think X9/500 is available (any longer) in Singapore. The current Piaggio X-like models are not looking that good (my subjective view), and the only 2/2b-class model is X10.
2) I don't like the Piaggio guys. After I bought X9 I tried to buy some accessories from them and despite few attempts (via Singapore and UK sites) never got any response. It is pretty normal in this country but it does not encourage me to buy their product once again
3) I question longer time durability of these motorbikes in this climate. For the mechanical/electric part I think they perform good (here and after judging from my single case). Only more recently I have some problems with the transmission - still running though and nobody can tell me what's wrong => it's ok, we don't see any problem as long as the bike is not completely down in the growing puddle of engine oil.
Apart from this, only the water pump needed to be replaced (and some minor parts of negligible cost), but many exterior, plastics parts are a disaster. They just don't last under this sun heat. I had first damages after two years of using, I also have to replace the windshield which did not survived cleaning with usual, gentle detergents (a generic, $30 replacement lasts already for 8 years).
4) FJR1300 has these two side boxes and they look good. They can take a full-face helmet, each. Both of them have probably bigger capacity then the X9 top box so I recon it should be enough (the top boxes for the FJR look so-so).
Besides, it is not difficult to guess why FJR1300 (apart form other things). It ils like a Super X9/1300 with more classy look and extra performance.