luckywolf wrote:I'm moving to Sing shortly and are a keen swimmer - I've noticed though that most pools don't seem to use lane ropes - does anyone know where a good place to train is?
Hi fellow swimmer.
Lane ropes here are only used to distinguish sections of the pool in a swimming complex. At any point of time during public swimming hours, an Olympic sized pool is divided into three sections: common, continuous swim, and rental.
Common section is for the public. This is where you will go crazy, trying to evade either torpedoes or zig-zagging dog paddlers.
Continuous section would be the one you use. It is for swimmers to want to swim continuously. But it is just one lane's width and swimmers are expected to do swim in a counter-clockwise loop instead a regular straight lap. But at least you will face minimal obstruction to your swimming.
The third side is normally booked by groups of people practising lifesaving, triathlon or underwater hockey. So it is out of bounds. But if you are lucky, that section would be unoccupied and you can use it like common section.
How do you know which section is which?
The section closest to the changing room is always the common section. The continuous section is always in the middle and the rental section is always the farthest side from the changing room.
Hope it helps.
Note: Very rare to find
condo pools with Olympic sized pool, let alone lane ropes. Unless you go for private swimming pools like Singapore Swimming Club.