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I have got Shingles :(

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I have got Shingles :(

Post by Wd40 » Mon, 16 Jun 2014 9:28 pm

It started about 3-4 days back.Initially I thought it was bites from bed bugs and then it got swollen and I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it was shingles and until then I didnt even know about such a disease. He has given me antiviral tablets, paracetamol and some cream to apply. Its painful, although not unbearable. I am hoping the blisters heal soon, like in a week. My family will be coming next Tuesday and I don't want to pass on chicken pox to them, especially to my little daughter.

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Post by JR8 » Mon, 16 Jun 2014 9:55 pm

I had it, 30 years ago. It hit me right after recurring dysentery (thanks India!). It seems to be a passive continual passenger, that can crop up when your immunity is otherwise at a low.

I recall shingles as suppurating rashes, and generally vile. Incredible chest cramps, as if being crushed in a vice.

You really need to take very very serious advice on this condition. It never goes away. Well mine did, after about 3 months... then 30 years later stormed back and almost consigned me to a wheel-chair.

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Post by taxico » Mon, 16 Jun 2014 10:22 pm

are you guys prone to viral infections or have had such infections in the past:

measles, mumps... mono... sores... chicken pox... etc... or perhaps even bells' palsy?

if so, then i strongly recommend keeping healthy as these viral infections may (re)occur when you're not in shape (poor immune system).

you should also consider getting vaccinated down the road... talk to your dr to get more details.

get well soon.
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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 16 Jun 2014 11:07 pm

I don't remember having any kind of infection or diseases other than common cold and headaches. I am 34 years and this is the 1st time something like this has hit me and I don't even remember getting chicken pox. May be I got it when I really really young, need to check with my parents.

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Post by PNGMK » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 2:13 am

Wd40 wrote:I don't remember having any kind of infection or diseases other than common cold and headaches. I am 34 years and this is the 1st time something like this has hit me and I don't even remember getting chicken pox. May be I got it when I really really young, need to check with my parents.
Lowered immune system due to stress over your job and unexpected pregnancy (or is that Fotran?).

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Re: I have got Shingles :(

Post by x9200 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 6:28 am

Wd40 wrote:

It started about 3-4 days back.Initially I thought it was bites from bed bugs and then it got swollen and I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it was shingles and until then I didnt even know about such a disease. He has given me antiviral tablets, paracetamol and some cream to apply. Its painful, although not unbearable. I am hoping the blisters heal soon, like in a week. My family will be coming next Tuesday and I don't want to pass on chicken pox to them, especially to my little daughter.
Don't worry too much. As mentioned by another poster it is typically a sign of weak immune system (i.e. if you have AIDS what I guess is not the case ).
Not necessary your daughter/wife will get it even if in direct contact. I had it 10+ years ago when I was on a low calories diet for longer time.

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Re: I have got Shingles :(

Post by Steve1960 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 9:16 am

x9200 wrote:
Wd40 wrote:

It started about 3-4 days back.Initially I thought it was bites from bed bugs and then it got swollen and I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it was shingles and until then I didnt even know about such a disease. He has given me antiviral tablets, paracetamol and some cream to apply. Its painful, although not unbearable. I am hoping the blisters heal soon, like in a week. My family will be coming next Tuesday and I don't want to pass on chicken pox to them, especially to my little daughter.
Don't worry too much. As mentioned by another poster it is typically a sign of weak immune system (i.e. if you have AIDS what I guess is not the case ).
Not necessary your daughter/wife will get it even if in direct contact. I had it 10+ years ago when I was on a low calories diet for longer time.
Now you have got me worried! I have been on a low calorie diet for the past 7 weeks and intend to continue for at least another 6 weeks.

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Post by x9200 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:09 am

I don't think it is a single factor and my diet then lasted a couple of months.

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Post by rajagainstthemachine » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:11 am

It's painful, my manager who's in his 50's had it about a few months ago, I'd advise a lot of bed rest and try to work from home for a few days if you can, not sure how your new work environment is going to look at it though. I hope they understand.. and now on a lighter note scroll down...

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 10:24 am

taxico wrote:are you guys prone to viral infections or have had such infections in the past: measles, mumps... mono... sores... chicken pox... etc... or perhaps even bells' palsy?
I had chicken pox as a child, but that was almost a 'right of passage' back then, i.e. everyone got it.

I've had tropical infections (dysentery, Giardia (*4-5!) etc), in the kind of places you expect to get them. Sometimes I wonder if I'd never left the UK if I'd have ever been taken ill in adulthood at all.

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Post by JR8 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:23 am

Emergency123 wrote:Shingles ( herpes zoster ) is a reactivation of the latent chicken pox virus which lies hidden till immunity falls due to any reason.It can be contagious.Hospitalization leave is given for the same! You might need really strong analgesia as the pain can apparently be excruciating.
I'll tell you what it was like...

- a c.1ft2 scabby rash in the middle of my chest
- that *demanded* to be scratched
- that oozed plasma into my clothes, which sometimes dried and bonded to my skin.
- that gave me chest cramps so badly, at times I'd be doubled over in public, unable to suppress tears of agony [I mean that literally, hard to explain if you haven't experienced it. Of all the really bad injuries I'd had, being shot, blowing myself up etc., nothing hurt a fraction as much as shingles].

Hope that not TMI... but since I've had it I thought I'd share!

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Post by Wd40 » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 1:35 pm

Thanks for the inputs! I am now into my 5th day of the blisters, if I am counting right. Since yesterday I dont see any new blisters developing. The pain I beleive varies from person to person. In my case, so far, it feels like a burning/inflamation kind of sensation, in short bouts. So it isnt unbearable. Also the doctor asked me to taked 2 tablets of 500 mg paracetamol 3 times a day. Until yesterday I used to take only 1 table 3 times and I could feel the pain. This morning I 2 tablets and after that no pain, but I am feeling a bit like a zombie. I think I would stick with 1 tablet a day. Also I need to take the antiviral tables 5 times a day with 4.5 hr gap. Thats very tough especially for the 5th final tablet late at night, I take it like after 2 hr gap. Also the vitamin tablets twice a day.Not sure if all these tablets will finally do more harm than good.

I am still coming to office because 1) I am new and dont want to go on leave in the beginning 2) The pain is still not unbearable.

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Post by rajagainstthemachine » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 1:42 pm

Hang in there WD!! Life is hard sometimes, kicks you in the nuts and then in the shin and then you lie there in pain and agony for a while but then you get back on your feet again.
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Post by ecureilx » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 2:49 pm

Wd40 wrote:. Also the vitamin tablets twice a day.Not sure if all these tablets will finally do more harm than good.
to control Shingles you must not skive on the anti viral pills and the cream ...

btw, vitamin tablets do help to improve your immunity

I believe you can improve your recovery by adding anti oxidants, and that's what my medical other half told me

coincidentally while SG is promoting Shingles vaccination, in Philippines the pediatricians are less enthusiastic ... saying the incidence rates are so low there ....

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Post by QRM » Tue, 17 Jun 2014 4:03 pm

I had it a few months ago on my bonce I thought it was sunburn, but it spread to my right eye, thats when everyone started to worry as it can blind you.

So had to slap tons of cream on my eye ball, you would have thought some one would have invented shingles eyedrops, but nope it had to be cream in the eye.

Anyway a few months later its still bloodshot and i get this odd sensation of small critters walking on top of my head.

Funny there's a bus going around with a big shingles advert on it...

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