You are pretty funny. Everybody knows about the bus riots and communal problems of the 60's. Guess what. That was half a century ago. Don't you think people are a little more educated today? We had the same in the use during the same time frame. Sadly, though, according to you, Singaporeans must be genetic idiots if they haven't learned anything in half a century. The HDB policy is Government base Racism. Sadly, with your myopic little malformed mind, you don't seem to see it. YES, it is pragmatic but YES it is still racist in the worse possible way. Eventually, it's going to eat you alive. And NO I'm not Indian.Blade wrote:Yes, Singapore is a socially stratified nation.But to understand why you really have to know the history of the communal race riots of the 50 & 60s. If you have no reference point then you should just sit down and shut up.
DO you know why we don't allow RACIAL ENCLAVES in any housing estate?
No? go find out then I will explain more.
Quote:"Singapore is the most racist place" ? well that depends alot on what you yourself are? North Indian? you go in this box,AMDK? you go in this box..Pinoy? go in the box..etc.
But,but everyone is guilty of the same thing right?
You do realize that what the Chinese Government has succeeded in doing is making a purely Chinese Racial Enclave of the entire government. Even in the days of communalism the races were a mixture, but yes a specific area might be more heavily populated by a specific race, but with today's racist policies, the only enclave now is the entire Island where 75% of ALL neighbourhoods are Chinese. So, it was pretty damned obvious what the PAP was out to do, just as they did when they created GRCs back in 1988 to "give the minorities representation in government" which was a method so they could have a minority without the minority having any real powers at all as the GRC would be led by a minister and have originally two other MPs of which only one "could" possibly be a minority (but would always be outvoted by the two Chinese MPs. They didn't want to gamble on another Jayaretnam winning Anson or any other Single Seat Consituency.
From the way you talk you must be Chinese as well, am I correct?