@ BoC
UK National Insurance contributions (paid each month) were meant to guarantee a state pension. Within the past 10-20 years that has totally gone to the wall, to the extent I have no idea what I might be entitled to, as I’m assuming I’m not. I don’t even have the motivation to check. A national Ponzi scheme? Think that can only happen in the UK? Note how SG keeps moving the pensionable age... [nodding]?
Apples vs apples. ‘Top-20’ pick (to the backing of ‘Whole Lotta Love’, w/Dave Lee Travis’s chest-wig) from the FTSE-100 yields income of c5.4%. On the capital side, in addition? I don’t actively track it, arguably it’s irrelevant (just graph the FTSE100 if interested). This is my personal ‘actively managed’ portfolio that takes half an hour of work a week and whips the butt of most funds, pensions, GIC, Temasek, CPF etc, and is essentially fee-free. No threats of bankruptcy, being purged, asylum on Sentosa... what is not to like. CPF is not just a pension, it’s political, it ties you one political party, one man, for life. It’s like having a UK pension tied to Cameron for life, or a US one tied to Obama for life, his highs, lows, and so on ...
p.s. Did I (lashed) run into you at the Beer-fest this week, or was that Nut2?