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Moving to Singapore from India-Need some information

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Moving to Singapore from India-Need some information

Post by iamsmh » Sun, 25 May 2014 11:43 pm

Hi,I am from India-Mumbai and got a confirmed Job in Oil&Gas in Singapore.Planning to relocate in Singapore and later the
family relocation in Dec this year.I have some questions the answers for which will help me to take decision that could be
worth the country change
1)I have been offered a 6K take home(I am 6years exp in Oil&Gas(with 14years total exp):With the family moving into Jurong
area,how much can I save with this kind of salary.
2)How much typically rent(for 2Bedroom), will that be within 1500SGD if it is HDB flat?
3)I have a daughter who is 6years and now is 1st standard in India, I read that In singapore schools run Jan-dec, so when
she join a school in Jan 2015, she go only to 1st Standard. But my doubt is as India and Singapore differ interms of timing
I will also have problem when I shift back.Thay way she may loose 2years incase I shift back. Has anyone faced such issues
Who can share some experience and how this can be handled?
4)How much does it cost for a decent primary school in singapore, read that Govt schools are also good there, is this right?
How Much I need to keep aside for education?
5)My wife is a lecturer in Engineering college in here, is there scope for her to get a job, are there chances for my wife
to get a job there?


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Re: Moving to Singapore from India-Need some information

Post by taxico » Mon, 26 May 2014 9:24 am

iamsmh wrote:Hi,I am from India-Mumbai and got a confirmed Job in Oil&Gas in Singapore.Planning to relocate in Singapore and later the
family relocation in Dec this year.I have some questions the answers for which will help me to take decision that could be
worth the country change
1)I have been offered a 6K take home(I am 6years exp in Oil&Gas(with 14years total exp):With the family moving into Jurong
area,how much can I save with this kind of salary.
2)How much typically rent(for 2Bedroom), will that be within 1500SGD if it is HDB flat?
3)I have a daughter who is 6years and now is 1st standard in India, I read that In singapore schools run Jan-dec, so when
she join a school in Jan 2015, she go only to 1st Standard. But my doubt is as India and Singapore differ interms of timing
I will also have problem when I shift back.Thay way she may loose 2years incase I shift back. Has anyone faced such issues
Who can share some experience and how this can be handled?
4)How much does it cost for a decent primary school in singapore, read that Govt schools are also good there, is this right?
How Much I need to keep aside for education?
5)My wife is a lecturer in Engineering college in here, is there scope for her to get a job, are there chances for my wife
to get a job there?

1. search the local forums and international sites for a gauge on living costs. you will also have plenty of friends from india with experience and more similar lifestyles - reach out to them.

2. i don't think you will find a 2 bedroom HDB flat for 1.5k...

3. have you checked global indian school/other International Schools to see if they have better suited school terms?

4.1. - a few hundred bucks a month. it may be difficult for your child to enter anything but an average local primary school (still of decent quality IMO)

4.2. depends. some kids don't need money for afterschool activities. i had a rusty can and a nice stick when i was a kid while my friends had violin classes. school books and uniforms don't cost more than a few hundred bucks a year. field trips are a few hundred bucks at most including all associated costs. school bus... pocket money... i think you should re-read my answer to Q1.

5. how long is a piece of string? Q1.

good luck!
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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 26 May 2014 9:57 am

That salary is way too low to save anything. Its ok for a couple with no kids and just simple life. But if you have a school going child, you wont save anything. Stay back in India.

This is exactly what my agent told me. The profile of people coming to Singapore now has changed, they cannot afford to rent whole unit HDBs anymore and hence the rental market is crashing.

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Post by midlet2013 » Mon, 26 May 2014 11:41 am

What would you do if you had just gotten 6k and had a choice to leave or stay. I guess he shd take it bcus he mite be able to raise his salary in a year's time, unless he has a good job back home.

You cannot dictate your terms. All you can do is work well and hope you increase your salary over time.
Wd40 wrote:That salary is way too low to save anything. Its ok for a couple with no kids and just simple life. But if you have a school going child, you wont save anything. Stay back in India.

This is exactly what my agent told me. The profile of people coming to Singapore now has changed, they cannot afford to rent whole unit HDBs anymore and hence the rental market is crashing.

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Post by Wd40 » Mon, 26 May 2014 11:45 am

midlet2013 wrote:What would you do if you had just gotten 6k and had a choice to leave or stay. I guess he shd take it bcus he mite be able to raise his salary in a year's time, unless he has a good job back home.

You cannot dictate your terms. All you can do is work well and hope you increase your salary over time.
Wd40 wrote:That salary is way too low to save anything. Its ok for a couple with no kids and just simple life. But if you have a school going child, you wont save anything. Stay back in India.

This is exactly what my agent told me. The profile of people coming to Singapore now has changed, they cannot afford to rent whole unit HDBs anymore and hence the rental market is crashing.
I would leave. Ha, 1 year down the line? What if he lost his job and has to return back? While relocating, you need to see if it makes sense with current circumstances, who knows about the future.

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relocation to Singapore

Post by TryingTBBMom » Sat, 31 May 2014 6:34 pm

From what you have said in OP you are coming in on a "localized package".
You should see if the company can provide schooling expenses and a cost of living increase as Singapore is very expensive. You will not be able to save on 6K. :(

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Post by PNGMK » Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:05 am

I concur that $6k is very low. Esp for that position and the expected living costs. You cannot just convert into INR and say it's enough. Singapore is very expensive - like New York or London.

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