If you're husband's company is paying to ship stuff over here, make sure they're going to pay to ship it back to the U.S. when it's time to leave Singapore. (I'm assuming you're American based on your screen name).
If they're not going to ship stuff back, bring as few big items as possible.
On another note, if you have any facial wash or cream that you use, bring it. There are a lot of U.S. brands sold here, such as Eucerin and Garnier, but they're generally formulated for "skin whitening," which is very big in Asia. When looking at these products on a shelf, it's hard to find something that doesn't say skin whitening on it.
Also, bring clothes for your child to allow for growth. Kids clothes are pricey here.
Amazon does ship here, but only SOME items are eligible.
This might help as well:
http://forum.singaporeexpats.com/ftopic ... asc-0.html