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A Doctors Precription for a F&#* up

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Re: A Doctors Precription for a F&#* up

Post by pisceangirl » Thu, 15 May 2014 12:16 pm

rajagainstthemachine wrote:
pisceangirl wrote:
rajagainstthemachine wrote: note to self: bring some from my next trip to India where they give these things away like candy for free.
1. No they don't- not free anyway

2. Moral of the Story = Use Protection

Really, what is there to discuss in this thread? Your gf's health is at stake and am sure you're not soliciting witch doctor remedies that have an x% probability of working (where x>0 hopefully)
they are almost free $4 vs $50+ ?
I'm seeing a witch doctor.....blood will spill soon!
1. $4 > 0 = NOT free

2. Yes yes, you need a witch doctor- conventional medicine has given up on your types :P
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