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Breaking the lease (partition room)

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Breaking the lease (partition room)

Post by kimmy89 » Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:38 pm

Hi all,

I made a contract for the small room 2weeks ago and want to break the lease. I know this topic has been discussed a lot and I already looked them up to get some tips but couldnt find anything match to my circumstance.

Thing is,

1.My room is actually not a room. It turned out to be the small partition which I wasn't aware before. I admit that I was in hurry and didnt check the condition well... my bad. And since I found the truth, I don't want to live their anymore paying the rent which is enough to get a 'real' room.

2.I know that partitioning the property and renting it out is illegal in Singapore. So I believe my contract itself is not legal as well.
Am i right? Or am I going to far?

3. In this case, Should I tell LL about this 'legal' matter or just make things quiet finding replacement and paying the compensation?
I dont wanna make things big or threat her. Just want my deposit back.

Any advice much appreciated!

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Post by beppi » Tue, 29 Apr 2014 5:41 pm

If you (or the landlord) did not yet pay the stamp duty, the rental contract is not legally valid.
That means the landlord cannot hold you responsible for further payments, and neither can you ask them to pay anything back (incl. the deposit).
If you are o.k. with walking away as-is, you should be fine (just inform the landlord of this).
(But getting any deposit back will be a long and strenuous fight and might not work at all. I recommend you write it off as learning expense!)

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