The AGC makes the decision, not the IO.VN2014 wrote:Hi PNGMK - I was planning to let go of my lawyer for now and only get one if and when there are charges against me already. Is this a bad idea?
I was told by a former investigator that the IO working on my case do not have evidence against me that is why he could not hold me. Is it one of the cases that should be proven "beyond reasonable doubts"? Or IO's report is enough to charge me, if ever?
Thank you so much!
He sounds like a completely power hungry copper and probably a bigot to boot.VN2014 wrote:Thank you so much!! The IO has always known when I was supposed to leave and where. I have advised him again recently though that I will be leaving the country soon and my contacts are the same for updates. He has not responded yet. He likes making me wait for days for answers.
Just like during my interrogation. My fiance said he saw the IO just standing outside the door, looking at me and making wait, while I thought he "just went out to get something." I guess another tactic to make me feel nervous.
He has used both threatening me and offering me a "lighter/speedier process" if I just admit to it. He has made me "convince him" that I didn't do it over and over. He said he could throw me in lock-up if I don't admit it. I said then go ahead because I really don't know what you want me to say except that I didn't do it.
I can't send PMs yet but I would greatly appreciate having another lawyer contact, if you have one. Thanks again!
Well there is a lesson here. Never, ever get the police involved in something that isn't actually death or rape, (and even then, if I could be assured of getting away with it, I would take care of the matter myself). I learnt a long time ago that the police are not your friend nor your legal advisor. I detest kid's story books that paint the cops as heroes when so often they are the normal average citizen's adversary.VN2014 wrote:It really felt that way and I have never gone through anything like that before.
I really want to complain about him but I was advised that that kind of treatment was "normal" here in Singapore
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