ozinsingapore wrote:Hi,
We are an Australian couple living in Singapore looking to adopt, and fulfil the Australian Government's criteria for adoption.
We are hoping to do a private intercountry adoption, but have also started the HSR process to be eligible to adopt in Singapore too.
As we are a de facto couple (not married, but together for 8+ years), we are finding it hard to get information on countries that allow de factos to adopt.
We know there is the possibility for one of us to adopt as a single parent, but would like to avoid this.
Does anyone know of any countries that are accepting of unmarried couples? Have any Australian couples out there recently adopted that can shed light on this?
I've had a good look through the forums, but can't find any appropriate info.
Many thanks in advance for your help!
1. Adopting in Singapore will be impossible IMO. The (conservative) Singapore FC judge will simply not allow adoptions by gays or defactos as neither are recognized as a family unit in Singapore (rightly or wrongly).
2. Adopting internationally may work but depends on the host country rules... however just because you've managed to find a kid in the PI/Nepal and get an adoption order passed by the court THERE - you still need to get a visa for the kid to live in Singapore. Probably not that impossible but another hurdle. The normal route is of course to apply for an adoption visa back to Australia.
Australia is weird.... almost no adoptions occur within Australia (W.A. had two in the entire year when I last checked) and yet they have this weird liberal view that ghey, singles and defactos can adopt internationally via the private adoption loophole.
It sucks, I know. There's probably loopholes around it all. We had to find a few ourselves.