Am also looking at various alternatives and came up with the following so far:
Artio Partners (I understand that they advertise on this forum):
Taxes For Expats (TFE): ... ional.html
US embassy's American Citizen Services (ACS) list (there are 5 currently on the list): ... apore.html
Then, of course, there are the big name firms, e.g. PWC, E&Y, etc., especially if you've got an employer paying the fee for you.
Some may be tax attorneys or Enrolled Agents (EA), instead of CPA's.
Which you choose depends on what you need, e.g. a tax attorney for possible legal advice or representation, or an EA if simply for tax filing preparation.
By the way, there are quite a few worldwide LinkedIn recommendations for both Artio and TFE: ... iz_product ... 71/product
The comments seem genuinely enthusiastic for most.
I didn't find any complaints for either online.
Hope this helps you get started.
Let us know if you find any others that look reasonable.