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Citizenship chances for PR (3 years, with 1 year abroad)

Relocating, travelling or planning to make Singapore home? Discuss the criterias, passes or visa that is required.
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Re: PEP taken away?

Post by zzm9980 » Thu, 13 Feb 2014 10:01 am

blessedone wrote:Sergei82- sorry, pardon my ignorance but what does this mean?
"with CPF encashment I'm over it, with just basics - a bit under "

1. can pep holders have cpf?
2. how will this impact you? are you working on your own with pep or with an employer?

Sorry I dont know much about PEP
He's talking about something separately from you. No PEP holders don't get CPF. Some employers will give EP (and PEP) holders the cash equivalent of what they would have contributed to CPF if the employee was a PR or SC. Sergei is saying that his base salary + this supplement puts him over the 144k PEP salary requirement.

Sergei, MOM will count that supplement your employer pays towards the requirements.

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topping up cpf for renewal entry permit facilitation

Post by blessedone » Tue, 12 Aug 2014 4:40 pm

1. How does topping up CPF help? can someone please elaborate?
2. Whats the amount recommended ? is it based on the last cpf entry?
3. How much of this will go to OA vs Medisave?

many thanks

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Re: topping up cpf for renewal entry permit facilitation

Post by PNGMK » Tue, 12 Aug 2014 4:55 pm

blessedone wrote:1. How does topping up CPF help? can someone please elaborate?
2. Whats the amount recommended ? is it based on the last cpf entry?
3. How much of this will go to OA vs Medisave?

many thanks
PR's and SC can top up their CPF with cash to a set limit if their normal contributions don't meet this set limit. There is tax deduction allowed.

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