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Looking at schools next week - what did you wish you'd asked

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Questions and your Homework….

Post by TryingTBBMom » Wed, 12 Feb 2014 5:44 pm

First impressions quickly fade….. don't be dazzled and set your sights on only one school.

The first thing I would suggest is to be very clear on the needs of each of your kids.
2.How long will you be in Singapore and at the end of the contract where do you need your kids to be educational wise.
3.If your only here for say 2 years look for a school with same curriculum.
4.if you have to switch curriculums, look for the best fit.
5. if you have any LR or SpecialNeeds, then thats a whole other ballgame.
6. shortlist schools BUT see as many as possible
7. ask all the hard questions, even then uncomfortable ones.
8. apply to at least 3 to 4 schools if there is a wait list.
Do you have space?
How long is your wait list?
Profit or not for profit?
is there transparency in nonprofit?
Student/Teacher ratio?
How many TA per grade level?
Check out all the facilities, in saying that some small schools offer a more caring/personal feel but lack the "glitter"
School Test scores or rankings
Take on board what the admissions has to say then ask around.
There are a lot of extra curricular activities and class, as well as resources,out side of school but they are expensive.

So now your left with a lot of info…digest and judge for yourself.
Do not buy by into the Elitism in Singapore. There are really friendly people
here and it is an easy transitional posting compared to many other places.
International Schools even on a non profit is a BIG Business.
It's extremely competitive especially where the parents are concerned.
Your coming to a country where in most cases both parents are university educated.
Best of Luck!

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Joined: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 2:14 am

Post by movingtospore » Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:28 am

Also ask what % of their students leave for other schools in Singapore every year. That will give you some insight into whether the school is just a "holding" school while families wait for a place at a different school.

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