Nope. No minimum wages in Singapore. That's how she maintains her competitive edge. Take 3rd world labour, pay them wages that are way below the poverty line then tell the world that we are doing them a favour as it is 3 times what they can earn at home. Course the Cost of living here is 12 times more but what the hey!
Average teacher in the
International Schools. Would be hard to guess as I think that might be geared to "your" definition of an
International School. See my links in my Signature for a list of the International Schools here in Singapore and you will know what I am talking about.
Maybe K1W1 will pop in with her knowledge of the school systems. I would rather think that a British trained teacher will command a higher salary than say a teacher from the Asian region. Not that it's right, that's just the way it is here. This is Singapore and not your home country which may well have laws forbidding that type of thing.
k1w1 where are you?