We just received ICA letter indicating rejection of PR application submitted in June 2024. This application was submitted by me on behalf of him as the local sponsor.
As the letter does not contain much details, any insight will be appreciated to help us understand the reasons of rejection.
Age: 34 female
Education: Bachelor from NTU and 2 Masters from SMU
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: Chinese
Salary: 9k per month
Profession: Senior manager in the financial services industry
My partner:
Age: 33 male
Education: Bachelor and Post Diploma from overseas university
Nationality: New Zealand
Race: Caucasian
Salary: 9k per month
Profession: International School teacher
Our family cluster:
Husband is working on EP since 2021
We were married in 2023
Our first son (Singapore citizen by birth) was born this year in April. His name was included in our application.
We are planning to re-apply in 4 years, after we have our second child and our first child grows older. However, I am very much worried that his application will be rejected again as there is no clarity on what the authority is looking for. I know that his nationality, race and industry work against his favour, but there is nothing much we can do to change those.
Any insight will be appreciated.